Last Month
Mostly December was a wind down from Nano in november. I didn’t really write that much fresh stuff but did my book launch mid December.
- Prepared Innocent Hearts for publication.
- Hand wrote approx 1k words.
- Typed approx 15k words including emails and blogs.
- Sent approx 50 emails.
Not the most productive of months but I only really worked two weeks of it and then had days off to help a friend with wedding plans and then with the book launch and Christmas I was very very busy.
This Month I plan to get Sherdan’s Prophecy finished in first draft and then plot out my 4th book. I also want to get my second book edited up and start planning the ebook and cover for it.
This Year I’d like to write more than the 150k approximately I wrote in fresh material last year. I’d like to have two more novels published in both ebook and print as well as another short story. I also want to keep the blog going. Now it’s been running 10 months I’m quite determined to keep it running all year as well.