I was gifted a copy of this ebook by the author, Taylor Hohulin  in return for a review.

This was another one of those gems of an ebook that make me really glad I agreed to be a reviewer. It’s a sort of sci-fi novel and relatively fast paced, moving on from one event to the next with not huge amounts in between but it is a style that suits the length. The main character and good guy pov for the story is Alpha, the robot.

I adored Alpha, just totally adored him and enjoyed the other characters that fleshed out the cast as well. The bad guy was also really nicely thought out and he had proper motives and reasoning for his actions that helped him come to life. Often, if any characters feel less 2d, it’s the bad guy.

The ending was a little sad, but more bittersweet than outright depressing, so there’s a warning there if you insist on your books having a HEA, but I really liked how this handled everything. except for one tiny niggle, that I can’t mention because of plot spoilers, but I’d have liked some more emotion around the sad event that happened near the middle of the story. It was likely to be less emotional because the pov was the robot, but I’d still have liked a bit more emotion as it felt a little glossed over.

Really enjoyed it as a light read though and definitely on my recommended books for the year.