I was given a copy of this novel by the author in return for my honest opinion of it. It’s the first book in the Lady Quill Chronicles.
Let me start by saying I love the olde worlde sort of setting so I was fairly sure I’d enjoy this book and enjoy it I did. The characters were all varied and interesting and I adored Adele.
The premise for the books plot was interesting, although I felt it resolved a little too quickly and easily for my liking. All the characters seemed a little too quick to forgive but it was only a small niggle. The book has a pretty fast pace, not dwelling long on any one thing which may have lent itself to feeling too fast over some bits, but I felt the pacing was justified for the most part.
The book also seems to be written in a very omnipresent sort of viewpoint (as I believe this authors previous book was) and moved between the thoughts and feelings of all the main characters. Very occasionally this was confusing but I think it may have been because there were quite a few more characters in this book as I know I didn’t get confused in the previous book that had the same style.
I also noticed an improvement in the writing of the author and look forward to reading more, especially in this series.
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